Source Sans Pro

Source Sans Pro is a sans serif typeface created by Paul D. Hunt for Adobe. It is the first open-source font family from Adobe, distributed under the SIL Open Font License.
The typeface is inspired by the forms of the American Type Founders' gothics by Morris Fuller Benton, such as News Gothic, Lightline Gothic and Franklin Gothic, modified with both a larger x-height and character width and more humanist-influenced italic forms. It is available in six weights in upright and italic styles, and is also available as a variable font with continuous weight values from 200 to 900. The typeface has wide language support for Latin script, including Western and Eastern European languages, Vietnamese, pinyin Romanization of Chinese, and Navajo. Adobe's training material highlights it as having a more consistent colour on the page than the rather condensed News Gothic it is based on.

Adobe's open source family