
A spintria is a small bronze or brass Roman token, possibly for use in brothels, although none of the literature on the spintriae contains any evidence to support this assertion. The tokens usually depict on the obverse a motif of sexual acts or symbols and a numeral in the range I - XVI on the reverse.


was used by Suetonius to refer to young male prostitutes, from Greek σφιγκτήρ. In the 16th century, the name passed from the ancient sense of the persons committing outrageous acts--in other words, sexual and/or sensual acts outside what was considered the norm-- to the tokens themselves. Bette Talvacchia identifies the first usage of the term spintriae to refer to the tokens as occurring in Sebastiano Errizo's 1559 treatise, Discourse Concerning Ancient Medals.


Some scholars, following Friedlander's suggestion that the tokens were used "auf die man in Bordelle Einlass erheilt" have argued that spintriae were used to pay prostitutes, although none offer any supporting evidence. Buttrey is dismissive of the brothel token idea, asserting "there is no evidence for any of this". Currently, only Simonetta and Riva are supporters of the brothel token hypothesis, which is also popular with the media ; other scholars pursue alternate lines of enquiry. Under Caracalla, an equestrian was sentenced to death for bringing a coin with the emperor's likeness into a brothel; he was spared only by the emperor's own death. There is no direct ancient evidence, however, to support the theory that spintriae were created as tokens for exchange in place of official coinage. Numismatist Theodore V. Buttrey suggests that they were used as game pieces. although Duggan notes there are no archaeological finds to confirm the spintriae were gaming pieces. Economist Geoffrey Fishburn, following Jacobelli, suggests they may have been used as locker tokens. Duggan concludes, after Fishburn and Jacobelli, that the most convincing explanation is that they functioned as locker tokens. They seem to have been produced for only a short period, mostly in the 1st century AD.


They were usually struck from brass or bronze, and were little smaller than a 50 euro cent coin. Some commentators suggest some of the tokens depicted homosexual acts between men, but this is not widely accepted in the literature, as some authors assert the erotic scenes are exclusively heterosexual.

Prime sources
