Sporobolus virginicus

Sporobolus virginicus, known by numerous common names including seashore dropseed, marine couch, sand couch, salt couch grass, saltwater couch, coastal rat-tail grass, and nioaka, is a species of grass with a wide distribution.


It is a spreading perennial tussock grass from in height. Its flowers are green or purple. It reproduces asexually by use of both stolons and rhizomes.


It was originally published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, under the name Agrostis virginicus. It was transferred into Sporobolus by Karl Sigismund Kunth in 1829. It has a great many synonyms.

Distribution and habitat

It grows in Australia, New Zealand, many Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, Africa, India, China and Indonesia. It is widespread in Australia, occurring in every state, although in New South Wales it is considered naturalised.