Squirrel and Hedgehog

Squirrel and Hedgehog is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio from 1977 to the 2010s. Squirrel and Hedgehog is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea. The show was supposedly discontinued in 2013, which was around the time North Korean state television changed its broadcasting schedule, which cut several animated programs along with it.

Characters and Locations

Flower Hill

The main character's hometown. Squirrels, hedgehogs, ducks, rabbits and small animals live in this village.
Rabbit Village
Grey Squirrel Village -

Voice cast


There is speculation among overseas critics that squirrels and hedgehogs are the North Koreans, mice are the South Koreans, weasels are the Japanese, and wolves are the Americans, which are argued to coincide with metaphorical interpretations of the country's geopolitical environment. But, this allegorical interpretation is never revealed in the series, and staff at the SEK Studio claimed that this allegorical interpretation is not true. They repeatedly alleged that this animation was created to teach love, friendship, and patriotism to children. But other SEK's staff said "The weasels, mice and wolves symbolize foreign invaders."
Overseas critics also think the messages the show portrays are violent and don't teach kids good moral behavior, mainly due to the use of weaponry and gore, not to mention the repeated use of vulgar slurs. It however has been praised for its animation as the series progressed, along with its unique military concept of storytelling. The show's violence far outweighs that of Tom and Jerry, in that there is frequent use of guns, and blood and gore.


No official records of merchandise has been known, but brands of toothpaste and backpacks depicting the main characters have been sold in North Korean stores. There are also several statues in children's parks that are located in Pyongyang.


Alongside the television show, a North Korean manhwa was released. There were several key differences between it and the television series, such as the character "Lt. Fox Vixen" originally being depicted as male. It's unknown why this change occurred, but it could be to acknowledge that the United States Armed Forces had allowed women to fight alongside male soldiers.


The SEK Studio, the North Korean studios that produced this series, has also produced a number of stand-alone short cartoons with funny animal characters. Some of them are part of a large series named the Clever Raccoon Dog . Unlike Squirrel and Hedgehog, they're focused primarily on road safety education, science, sport, summer volunteer work etc.
The series was released in English and Spanish by Mondo TV, titled Brave Soldier and Soldados Valientes respectively. The series' plot was changed in the dubs, so that subtle references to North Korea or blatant propaganda would end up removed. This translation is often criticized by the show's cult following for having generic voice actors and out of place audio dubbing. The second season was never dubbed due to licensing issues, as Mondo TV only owns the rights to the first selection of episodes.