Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association

The Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association is the national Guiding organization of Sri Lanka. It serves 54,824 members. Founded in 1917, the girls-only organization became a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1951.

Program and ideals

In the 1960s the image of Girl Guiding in Sri Lanka was changed to give it a local character. New Sri Lanka badges for all ranks in the three branches were introduced.
SLGGA is divided into four sections:
Be prepared

Girl Guide Promise

I promise on my honour to do my best:
To do my duty, to my Religion and Country,
To help other people at all times, and
To live by the Guide Law.

Girl Guide Law

  1. A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is loyal.
  3. A Guide is considerate and helpful at all times.
  4. A Guide is a sister to every other Guide.
  5. A Guide is friendly and courteous.
  6. A Guide is compassionate to all living things.
  7. A Guide respects authority.
  8. A Guide is courageous and faces all situations with understanding.
  9. A Guide uses resources wisely.
  10. A Guide respects herself and seeks to understand all human beings.

    Overseas branches

An overseas branch of the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association operates at the Sri Lankan School in Muscat, Oman.
In 2009, Girl Guides at the Sri Lankan School in Muscat had their camp in October canceled to prevent the spread of Swine flu. The Guides paper recycling project was also discontinued for the same reason.