St. Mary Church, Isfahan

The St. Mary church is a historical Armenian church in Isfahan, Iran, completed in 1613.


In the 17th century the Armenian people of the Julfa quarter built a small church named Hakoup. The Hakoup church was the oldest church of the Julfa quarter, and was built strictly for the religious needs of the people, and did not have any kind of decorations. However, as the Armenian population in Isfahan increased, the church became insubstantial. Hence, Khaje Avdik, a wealthy silk merchant, went to the church and decided to expand the church when he could not attend a religious ceremony because the church was full. He decorated the church with lights, silver and gold chandeliers, and valuable canvases and paintings. He rebuilt the entire church using his own personal funds and named it St. Mary church. Khaje Avdik was then buried in the church after his death. Two large paintings painted by European artists have been bought by an Armenian businessman and have been donated to the church.
