St. Michaels University School

St. Michaels University School is a private day and boarding school in the municipality of Saanich, the largest and most populous municipality in the Capital Regional District and Vancouver Island. Previous headmasters include Robert Snowden, David Penaluna and John Shaffter.


SMUS is located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.
The Senior and Middle School campus is located on Richmond Road in Saanich. The Junior School campus is situated on Victoria Avenue in Oak Bay.


In 1906, University School was founded by Cap. R. V. Harvey, the Rev. W. W. Bolton and J. C. Barnacle. Four years later, in 1910, K. C. Symons founded St. Michael's School. St. Michael's School was unusual for its relatively large number of local day students for the period.
Facing financial difficulties and the death of its headmaster in 1970, University School merged with St. Michael's in 1971 to become St Michaels University School. In 1973, the school began to enrol grade 1 and 2 students for the first time. In 1978, girls were accepted as day and boarding students in grades 10–12 for the first time, and the school began the process of becoming fully coeducational in 1985. A major expansion of the campus also began in 1985. In 1993, SMUS's boarding houses were renamed after the school's six founders: Bolton, Harvey, Winslow, Timmis, Symons, and Barnacle.

Boarding houses

There are currently six houses: three for boys and three for girls. The houses are named after the headmasters and founders of the school.


The senior school houses are only for boarding students. They become a member of one of the houses when starting at SMUS and it becomes place of residence and community throughout that their time at the school.

School performance

The average number of APs taken by SMUS students ranks first in country across all schools as of 2012. The record for most APs taken and completed by a single student is 15. In terms of average mean grades, SMUS students achieved an average of 3.68, which was higher than the global average of 2.92. Of the 650 exams across 25 different AP subjects taken by 245 SMUS students, 81% of them received grades of three or higher on the five point scale, which was also higher than the worldwide rate of 59% achieving grades of three or higher.


The motto of University School was "Mens sana in corpore sano," which means, "A healthy mind in a healthy body." St. Michael's School had the motto "Nihil Magnum Nisi Bonum," or, "Nothing is great unless it is good."
The current motto of St. Michaels University School is "Vivat!", or "Long live the school!" This ties into the school's song, "Vivat - Universitas!", written by Capt. R. V. Harvey originally for University School. The school uses "Vivat" when cheering on a team.


Richmond Road Campus:
St. Michaels University School is accredited or a member of the following organizations: