St Christopher Iba Mar Diop College of Medicine

St Christopher Iba Mar Diop College of Medicine was a medical training establishment in Luton, England, as a college within the University El Hadji Ibrahima Niasse of Dakar, Senegal. The Luton, England campus was closed in 2011.
Degrees from this establishment have been listed as unacceptable by the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom and some state governments in the United States.
The medical college is listed in the International Medical Education Directory. According to the IMED listing, the college was formerly named St. Christopher's College of Medicine, and diplomas prior to 2006 were awarded under that name rather than by the university.

Accreditation, registration and licensing

United Kingdom

SCIMD was the subject of BBC coverage which highlighted the school as an example of a loophole allowing essentially unregulated medical schools to operate in the UK. This led to an investigation by the General Medical Council, resulting in the withdrawal of registration of at least one doctor, and the publication of a list of schools deemed unacceptable for registration, including St. Christopher. The GMC website was subsequently amended to include a list of schools deemed unacceptable for registration, including St Christopher. SCIMD College of Medicine is now accredited by the UK-based Accreditation Service for International Colleges, which allows foreign students to enter the UK to study, but it still lacks UK academic accreditation and is deemed unacceptable by the GMC for primary registration.

United States