St Joseph's School (Mzimpofu)

St Joseph's School is a public co-educational school in rural Eswatini. The school is located on a Catholic mission complex run by the Servite Order. The postal address of the school is Mzimpofu; however Mzimpofu is the simply the name of the post office at the mission and not that of an actual city or village. St Joseph's is well known in Eswatini for integrating the education of students with disabilities with normally-abled students.


St Joseph's School was founded in 1914 by an early Catholic missionary, Father Francis Mayr. Father Mayr founded the mission to care for handicapped and underprivileged people in the community. In October 1914, Father Mayr was murdered by Fanyana Mdluli, who was later ordered by Queen Labotsibeni to be executed through hanging.
For over fifty years, Father Angelo 'Nkomiyahlaba' Ciccone served as the vicar of the mission and supervised the development of its services for the handicapped. In 2016, Father Ciccone was killed on a car accident.

Components of the School

The school has included a number of facilities that contribute to the education of disabled students as well as the community in general. The general educational programme integrates disabled students in the primary and secondary schools, with boarding facilities serving many of the disabled students. The Ekululameni Vocational Rehabilitation Centre provides training for disabled adults. Formerly, the Embelekweni pre-school provided care for children aged 0 to 5, many of whom had severe and multiple disabilities. The Zama center provides services for students with severe intellectual disabilies. A resource center on campus provides braille transcription services for blind students who are integrated in the primary and secondary schools. Some funding for the educational programs comes from the Swazi government with significant additional funding coming from Kindernothilfe, a German non-governmental organization.