St Michael's, Fulwell

St Michael's Fulwell is a gospel-centred Church of England church in Fulwell, London.
The church was re-opened in late 2014. At the invitation of the Bishop of Kensington and with the support of local churches, a small group from a church in Fulham, joined by other friends and supporters in the Teddington area, were asked to re-establish a church community in the previously redundant building of St Michael's Fulwell.
The church launched a regular Sunday 10:00 am service in January 2015. Soon after, the informal 6.30 pm service was started. In the midst of it all, the church has refurbished the side-chapel and some side-rooms where almost all the services and activities initially took place. However, in 2016 the side-chapel was deemed too small for the growing morning congregation and so a temporary indoor marquee was constructed in the main part of the church. The church aims to restore the rest of the building in the future.
The church meets at 10:00 am on Sundays for a family service and at 6:30 pm for an informal service.