St Peter's Academy

St. Peter's Academy is an Anglican secondary school in Stoke-on-Trent. It is an academy sponsored by the Woodard Academies and the Diocese of Lichfield. It is the merger of two former schools Berryhill High School and Sports College and St Peter's High School.


"The school was built by Thomas Vale Construction costing £18.7 million; it was built as part of the Stoke-on-Trent City Councils BSF Programme. Its construction started during 2011 and was completed during September 2013 as planned. It was built to "provide a world class education within a clear Christian ethos which purposefully serves the needs of the community of Stoke-on-Trent."


The school is split into four chapters: Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Each chapter is named after one of the four evangelists. Each subject has its own designated block in the building for example Matthew has the Maths area and John has the English area. Each student is assigned to a house, there are 4 houses, Spode, Gladstone, Bridgewater and Wedgewood, all named after local pottery firms. Pupils compete against the other houses in attendance, behavior and sports.
The site is split into five fingers representing the chapters and another one representing unity. There are three entrances to the building labelled with an alphabetical value. It shares its grounds with the neighboring Fenton Manor Complex; the school also has a 3G Astro Football Pitch and two other football courts.