Stan Monteith

Stanley Kimball Monteith was a radio host and author and a retired orthopedic surgeon, popularly known as Doctor Stan. He hosted a daily radio show called Radio Liberty.


Monteith was the author of several books and had published a number of videos and other recorded media. His radio talk show was heard in over 50 radio stations across the United States and overseas.
Many of the issues that Monteith addressed had to do with globalization and the New World Order.
He was also a highly active opponent of water fluoridation.
In 1988, Monteith ran for Congress as a Republican in California's 16th Congressional District, challenging incumbent Leon Panetta. Panetta was re-elected with nearly 79 per cent of the vote. Prior to his run for Congress, Monteith was a longtime member of the John Birch Society, and had once headed the group's Santa Cruz County chapter. He was later a member of the Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and the Coalition on Revival.
For years, Dr. Stan opened his radio program, Radio Liberty, with this quote... —¨Bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News. Hoping to convince you, that reality is usually scoffed at, and illusion is usually king, but in the battle for the survival of Christian civilization it will be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring.¨—

