
Star-K Kosher Certification, also known as the Vaad Hakashrut of Baltimore, is a kosher certification agency based in Baltimore, Maryland, under the administration of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, with the involvement of many other rabbis. It is one of the largest Jewish dietary certification agencies in North America. It is trusted by many orthodox Jews worldwide for dedication to preserving Kashrut. The organization supervises tens of thousands of commercial food products and food establishments around the world.

Other certifications

The organization also provides other kosher certification labels:


Star-D supervision is provided for certain non-Cholov Yisroel dairy products and establishments. Traditional Star-K certification may be applied only if the product is chalav yisrael. Star-D products need not be chalav yisrael, though they must meet all other Star-K standards.
The Star-D label is administered by the Star-K but sponsored by the National Council of Young Israel of the United States, and many well-known brands have qualified for Star-D certification.


Star-S is another Star-K certification label. It is provided for products that are Kosher for Passover but with kitniyot ingredients.
Like those marked with the OU's OU-Kitniyot label, these products are permitted to Sephardi but not to Ashkenazi Jews on Passover.


The organization, led then as now by Heinemann, was previously named Vaad Hakashrus.