Star Spencer High School
Star Spencer High School is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In 1901 a group of people from Spencer County, Indiana relocated in Oklahoma. They built an elevator and mill, a grocery store and later a hardware store. They named their new town Spencer for their old home and eventually called their school Spencer as well. Star School was named by Henry Dodd in honor of a school in Kansas where he had lived previously. Two schools merged to become Star Spencer in 1958. The official mascot for the school is the Bobcats. Star Spencer is part of the Oklahoma City Public Schools.
Notable alumnus include Mr. Myron Jacobs and Mr. Daniel Peoples. Alumni also include Dr. Lahoma Hicks Schultz, noted psychologist, author and lecturer.
All graduates of Star Spencer High School, with a cumulative gpa of 2.5 or higher, have the opportunity to receive free tuition and mandatory fees if they attend Rose State College through the Ticket to Rose program.