Star Wars Tales Volume 1

Star Wars Tales Volume 1 is the first Star Wars Tales trade paperback, collecting issues 1-4.

Star Wars Tales 1

''Life, Death, and the Living Force''

''Mara Jade: A Night on the Town''

''Darth Vader: Extinction (Part 1)''

''Skippy the Jedi Droid''

Star Wars Tales 2


Han Solo and Chewbacca, flying the Jaina's Light, are stopped by the Vigilant, an Imperial ship. A Level One inspection is performed on Jaina's Light, but the Imperial Captain Deyd Llnewe and Lieutenant Raprice find nothing. This happens two more times, with the inspection being more intensive each time, Llnewe being convinced that Solo is up to something. After the third unsuccessful inspection, Han and Chewie are sent on their way, when Captain Llnewe suddenly realizes that the ships Solo was piloting were different each time; Han was not smuggling spice or some other illegal substance, but ships. Deyd orders his gunners to fire on Han, but he was long gone by then.

''Darth Vader: Extinction (Part 2)''

''Stop That Jawa!''

''Incident at Horn Station''

Star Wars Tales 3

''The Death of Captain Tarpals''

In the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga, Chef Marshoo catches Jar Jar Binks in the kitchen trying to scavenge leftovers. Marshoo prepares to punch Jar Jar just as Captain Roos Tarpals comes in to arrest Jar Jar for the very same thing. He puts the handcuffs on Jar Jar and takes him away. Soon after, Tarpals tells Jar Jar that everyone down at the station is calling him "The Death of Captain Tarpals." Suddenly Tarpals is ambushed by Marshoo and some of his friends, who prepare to beat down Jar Jar as they'd planned. They throw a frying pan at Jar Jar, but he ducks, and it goes flying into his kaadu, who retaliates with a kick to Marshoo, sending him and his cohorts into a small fountain. Jar Jar revives Tarpals, and asks to be released after taking care of Marshoo. Roos ignores him and takes him to the surface of Naboo, where he shall live for a long time to come.

''Deal with a Demon''

Vilmarh Grahrk has been hired by the people of Ootoola to smuggle Princess Foolookoola off-planet; she is currently being hunted down by the purists of Ootoola, who previously killed the patriarch and his wife, seizing power of the planet. He and Naradan D'ulin, the caretaker of the princess, begin taking her to Villie's ship, when they're suddenly ambushed by a group of Ootoola purists. Villie hands the princess over, telling Naradan that the purists offered more credits than the loyalists did. Naradan and the princess are taken away and put into the purists' prison.
That night, Villie blows open the prison door and rescues them, only to get a punch in the face from Naradan. Vilmarh explains that before, with the princess running loose, everybody was looking for her, but now that they've assumed she's still locked up, nobody will be trying to find her. Naradan grabs a rifle in case she decides to shoot him, and they head out. They spot a couple of guards, and Villie casually walks up to them, steals one of their blasters, and shoots both of them. Villie, Naradan and the princess quickly escape the palace and head to Vilmarh's ship, the Inferno, where they are vocally greeted by NT. They fly off, Villie destroying the palace on his way up. They make their way to the planet Dur Sabon, where Foolookoola is to live her life among the Dur Sabon until she can return to Ootoola.

''Lady Luck''

''Three Against the Galaxy''

Star Wars Tales 4

''Moment of Doubt''

The story takes place 3 A.B.Y. Awarru Tark arrives aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger in a YT-1300 freighter, answering Darth Vader's call for bounty hunters to find the Millennium Falcon. When he meets with Vader he immediately launches a vicious assault on the Sith Lord with Grenades and light blades that extend from his arms.
As Vader reaches into Tark's mind he finds Awarru Tark is actually Stauz Czycz. Czycz underwent a surgical transformation to implant a force field generator into his body, so that he could attack Vader as revenge, having lost his own family in an Imperial assault on his homeworld.
Using telekinesis to disable the generator, Vader decapitates Czycz, leaving him to consider Czycz's status as more machine than man.

''A Death Star is Born''

Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Tol Sivron, and Bevel Lemelisk submit their Death Star proposal to Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. The perceived flaws of the schematics are humorously discussed. The appearance of Bevel Lemelisk is different in this comic than in any other source where he is portrayed. This was an intentional choice on behalf of the comic's creator, although for unknown reasons. One should also note the presence of Ackbar, a Mon Calamari, and Grand Moff Tarkin's slave, soon to be Rebel Alliance Admiral listening in through the door.
Several references in the story allude to popular culture, including the following:

''Sand Blasted''