State University of Padang

The State University of Padang is state university in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, which was established on 23 October 1954. Currently, the rector is Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D. Previously, the rector was Prof. Dr. Phil. H. Yanuar Kiram. Based on SK BANPT 2989/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2016, State University of Padang obtained "A" grade accreditation.
It is included as one the '50 promising universities in Indonesia'.


The university consists of nine faculties:
  1. Faculty of Education
  2. Faculty of Language and Arts
  3. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  4. Faculty of Social Science
  5. Faculty of Engineering
  6. Faculty of Sport Science
  7. Faculty of Economics
  8. Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism
  9. Faculty of Pascasarjana