Steel River Blues

Steel River Blues is a British television drama series, created by Patrick Harbinson, that was first broadcast in September 2004 on ITV. Produced by Ken Horn, the series follows the working and private lives of a group of firefighters, known as Blue Watch, who are based in Middlesbrough. Critics were quick to dub the series "Middlesbrough's Burning" or "Teesside's Burning", after the popular fire-fighting drama that preceded it, London's Burning, yet there were very few similarities between the two, apart from them being about the business of firefighting.
Like its predecessor, Steel River Blues was an ensemble drama without any single starring part, though perhaps the best-known actor was Daniel Casey, who was previously a co-star in Midsomer Murders. Other stars included Joanne Farrell, Stuart Graham, Daniel Ainsleigh and Satnam Bhogal. The series title music was an original composition performed by Middlesbrough-born singer-songwriter Chris Rea. It was announced in January 2005 that the series would not be recommissioned due to low viewing figures. Subsequently, the series has never been released on DVD.
