Steve Firth

Steven Mark Firth is the bass guitarist for the English band Embrace.
He studied art at Liverpool University, and also completed a psychology degree.
Firth admitted that he only found out about Embrace by chance, as he was looking in the music adverts section of a local paper as an old habit and had temporarily given up due to several failures in bands and now having a wife and full-time job, and was actually looking for a new suit as his phrenologist had destroyed his best one. He replaced the band's original bass player J Senior in 1995.
In spite of the band's affiliation with football through the release of the 2006 World Cup song, Steve is believed to be the only member of the band who is largely interested, and supports Leeds United.
Firth is also a founding member and bassist of Land Sharks, formed in 2018. The band also features Embrace drummer Mike Heaton.