Steven Pruzansky

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky is an American Orthodox rabbi, an author and controversial leader in the Orthodox Jewish community. He has been a spokesman for the International Rabbinic Coalition for Israel. He is the author of several books on religious topics. He is a former vice president and Executive Committee member of the Rabbinical Council of America.

Early life and education

Pruzansky grew up in Monsey, N.Y. He received his B.A. Degree from Columbia University in 1978 and in 1981 he received his Juris Doctor degree from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law of Yeshiva University.


Following graduation from law school, Pruzansky worked as an attorney and litigator for 13 years. He then began his career as a religious leader after being ordained at Yeshiva Bnei Torah of Far Rockaway, New York. In 1993 he became rabbi of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey, one of the largest Orthodox congregations in the United States with several thousand members.
For seven years, Pruzansky led the RCA's conversion court or beit din for Bergen County, where his congregation is located. However, after Rabbi Barry Freundel of the RCA was arrested on charges of voyeurism for spying on women at a mikva and was accused of abusing potential converts, the RCA appointed a committee that will include women to review the conversion process and safeguards. Pruzansky resigned from the Bergen County beit din in protest. He said he blamed the action on the left wing of the Orthodox movement for creating "quasi-rabbinical functions for women."


Pruzansky is author of several books, including "The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Volume 1: Breisheet and Shemot," "Prophet for Today: Contemporary Lessons of the Book of Yehoshua," and "Judges for Our Time: Contemporary Lessons from the Book of Shoftim." He also maintains a blog.


, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, who had been a longtime member of Pruzansky's congregation, left in protest against political statements Pruzansky had made about Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, including calling him the "Rabin Judenrat." Foxman complained that the rabbi ""spews hate and vitriol toward the elected leaders of Israel."
Following the election of U.S. President Barack Obama, members of Pruzansky's community organized a petition to protest a blog post he wrote insulting the president. He wrote that the president won by "pandering to liberal women, Hispanics, blacks, unions, etc."
In November 2014 Pruzansky likened The New York Jewish Week to Der Stürmer, a Nazi publication, following a story it published about him.
Pruzansky also posted a blog that month entitled "Dealing with Savages," which some consider to be racist and anti-Arab. In it, he proposes using live ammunition on Arab stone-throwers and suggests that any village that is home to more than two terrorists should be razed and its inhabitants deported. Abe Foxman denounced the blog as "outright racism and bigotry," and lamented the congregation's support of Pruzansky. On November 25, 2014 the Orthodox Union issued a public statement distancing itself from Pruzansky's remarks, noting that it could not support a response to terror that includes wholesale demonization of Arabs, collective punishment of Arabs or destruction or dismantling of Muslim holy sites. The OU called on the community to reject the attitude promoted in Pruzansky's essay: "Such rhetoric is wrong and must be repudiated, whether it is voiced by lay leaders, community leaders or rabbis.” Pruzansky's synagogue announced in a letter to the congregation that Pruzansky agreed to have his future blogs reviewed by editors and that the board would periodically review the process. The board has also acted to ensure security for the synagogue is tightened. Pruzansky wrote his own letter to the congregation expressing regret for having written in a way that "many have deemed harsh."
On March 31, 2016, Pruzansky published a blog post titled "A Novel Idea," wherein he dismissed the idea of rape culture on college campuses, blamed a promiscuous culture for many raped reported in college, and proposed marriage as a solution to the overall issue. The post prompted many angry responses, in which Pruzansky was accused of blaming victims of rape, of not taking rape seriously, and of not acknowledging or understanding that marital rape exists. After Pruzansky followed the March 31 blog post with another, on April 13, 2016, entitled "Culture Wars – Update," in which he defended his position and reiterated his arguments and position, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance responded, demanding that the rabbi be removed from the speaking roster of a one-day conference scheduled to be held at Bnai Yeshurun. The organization's demands were met, and Pruzansky was dropped from the conference. In April 2016, the Rabbinical Council of America, decried Pruzansky position, noting that "while Rabbi Pruzansky raises some important points regarding sexual behavior on college campuses, the RCA rejects the tone and much of the substance of his recent comments regarding rape."


Pruzansky is married to the former Karen Hausdorff, who is a speech language pathologist, and has four children, two of whom live in Israel.