Story of the Nations series

The Story of the Nations Library was a British book series started by Thomas Fisher Unwin in 1885. It reflected his views, which were liberal and internationalist; and also his wife's interest in abolitionism and suffragism. The series was published in the USA by G. P. Putnam, though not in identical form.
1Arthur GilmanThe Story of Rome
2James Kendall HosmerThe Jews, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern
3Sabine Baring-GouldGermany
4Alfred John ChurchCarthage
5John Pentland MahaffyAlexander's Empire
61887Stanley Lane-PooleThe Moors in Spain
7George RawlinsonAncient Egypt
8Arminius VamberyHungary
9Arthur GilmanThe Saracens
101887Emily LawlessIreland
11Zenaide RagozinChaldea
121888Henry BradleyThe Goths
13Zenaide RagozinAssyria
141888Stanley Lane-PooleTurkey
15James E. T. RogersHolland
161888Gustave MassonMediaeval France
171887Samuel Greene Wheeler BenjaminPersia
18George RawlinsonPhoenicia
191888Zenaide RagozinMedia, Babylon and Persia
201891Helen ZimmernThe Hansa Towns
21Alfred John ChurchEarly Britain
221890Stanley Lane-PooleThe Barbary Corsairs
23William Richard MorfillRussia
24William Douglas MorrisonThe Jews under Roman Rule
251890John Mackintosh Scotland
26Lina HugSwitzerland
27Susan HaleMexico
28Henry Morse StephensPortugal
29Sarah Orne JewettThe Story of the Normans
30Charles OmanByzantine Empire
31Edward A. FreemanSicily
32Bella DuffyThe Tuscan Republics
33William Richard MorfillPoland
34George RawlinsonParthia
35Greville TregarthenAustralian Commonwealth
361893Henry Edward WattsSpain: From the Moorish Conquest to the Fall of Granada
37David MurrayJapan
381894George McCall ThealSouth Africa
39Alethea WielVenice
40T. A. Archer
Charles Lethbridge Kingsford
The Crusades
41Zenaide RagozinVedic India
42James RodwayWest Indies and the Spanish Main
43C. Edmund MauriceBohemia
44William MillerThe Balkans
451896John George BourinotCanada
46Robert Watson FrazerBritish India
47André Le BonModern France
48Lewis SergeantThe Franks
49Sidney WhitmanAustria
501898Justin McCarthyModern England before the Reform Bill
511899Robert Kennaway DouglasChina
52Justin McCarthyModern England from the Reform Bill to the Present Time
53Martin Andrew Sharp HumeModern Spain 1788–1898
54Pietro OrsiModern Italy
55Hjalmar Hjorth BoyesenNorway
561901Owen Morgan EdwardsWales
57William MillerMediaeval Rome
58William Francis BarryThe Papal Monarchy
591903Stanley Lane-PooleMedieval India under Mohammedan Rule
601903Thomas William Rhys DavidsBuddhist India
61Edward JenksParliamentary England
621903Mary BatesonMediaeval England
63Lionel Cecil JaneThe Coming of Parliament
641905Evelyn Shirley ShuckburghThe Story of Greece, From the Coming of the Hellenes to A.D. 14.
651908Henry Stuart JonesThe Roman Empire, BC 29–AD 476