Stoyko Stoykov

Stoyko Ivanov Stoykov was a Bulgarian linguist.


Graduated Slavic Philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski",. Specialized phonetics, dialectology and Slavic linguistics in Prague, Czech Republic. Was granted Ph.D. by the Univerzita Karlova . Worked at the of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as an assistant, as a head of the Section for Bulgarian Dialectology with Linguistic Atlas and as a Deputy Director of the same institute. Also worked in the Sofia University as an assistant, associate professor and professor. Was Dean of the Phylological Faculty and Deputy Rector of the same university. Also was Chairman of the Commission of Phonetics and Phonology at the and Secretary of the same Committee.


Stoykov's scholarly activities were in the fields of Bulgarian Dialectology, Phonetics and Lexicology. He was author of the fundamental and still unique book "Bulgarian Dialectology" ,. His valuable contributions are the monographies "The Banat Dialect" and "The Lexics of the Banat Dialect" as well as the comparative study "The Dialect of Tvardica village and Tvardica village " и на с. Твардица . Particular interest represents his study "The Sofia Student's Dialect. Contribution to Bulgarian Social Dialectology" . Stoykov was the leader and direct participant in the development of "Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects" .


Stoykov's main contributions to Bulgarian Phonetics are his studies "Bulgarian Literary Pronunciation" , "Introduction in Bulgarian Phonetics" .


Stoykov contributed to the development of Bulgarian Lexicography and Lexicology being co-author of "Orthographical and Orthoepy Manual" and "Bulgarian Language Dictionary" , as well as one of the editors of "Dictionary of the Contemporary Bulgarian Literary Language" . He also published studies dedicated to the literary works of Bulgarian Renaissance writers and poets.