The Rap Game

The Rap Game is an American reality television series. The series premiered on January 1, 2016, on Lifetime. The winners of seasons 1-5 respectively, were Miss Mulatto, Mani, Nova, Street Bud and Tyeler Reign. Other notable contestants that appeared on the show and competed on another include King Roscoe and Flau'Jae. Both competed on America's Got Talent. Season 4's Lil Bri appeared on season 2 of in 2018.

Series overview


Season 1 (2016)

Season 2 (2016)

Season 3 (2017)

This season the contestants were Nova, king Roscoe,flaud Jay, deetranada and tally

Season 4 (2017–18)

This season the contestants were Street bud, Lil bri, Jordan, rap-unzel and Ricci bitti

Season 5 (2019)

Season 5 of The Rap Game premiered on January 11, 2019. Contestants in this season were Tyeler Reign, Lil Richye, Queen Amayah, Nya Kasan, and Young KD.