
Stryne is a term coined in 1964 and subsequently used to describe a broad accent of Australian English. The term is a syncope, derived from a shortened phonetic rendition of the pronunciation of the word "Australian" in an exaggerated Broad Australian accent, drawing upon the tendency of this accent to run words together in a form of liaison.
It was the subject of humorous columns published in the Sydney Morning Herald from the mid-1960s. Alastair Ardoch Morrison, under the Stryne pseudonym of Afferbeck Lauder, wrote a song "With Air Chew" in 1965 followed by a series of books—Let Stalk Stryne, Nose Tone Unturned, Fraffly Well Spoken, and Fraffly Suite. An example from one of the books: "Eye-level arch play devoisters...".
In 2009, Text Publishing, Melbourne, re-published all four books in an omnibus edition.
The naturalist and TV presenter Steve Irwin was once referred to as the person who "talked Strine like no other contemporary personality".