Student Sponsor Partners

is a nonprofit organization based in New York City founded by Peter Flanigan in 1986. Student Sponsor Partners gives at-risk students in New York City the opportunity to receive a quality private high school education, through the financial support of a sponsor and the guidance of a mentor.


During the winter of 1986, a conversation took place between two bankers on how to help at-risk inner-city kids. They decided to try giving these young people scholarships to private inner-city schools and mentor these kids throughout their high school careers. The conversation caught wind of some thoughtful individuals. By the following September, 45 sponsors were supporting 45 students at Cardinal Hayes High School and Cathedral High School. Since then, thousands of SSP students have graduated from one of the program's 26 partner high schools across the city.
For more than 30 years, SSP has addressed the high school dropout crisis in New York City by providing under-served students with four years of college-preparatory education. All SSP students are paired with sponsors and mentors who offer financial support and one-to-one mentoring, thus making a meaningful impact on their lives while guiding them through their high school careers.

Program Description

The SSP program is composed of three key groups: students, sponsors and mentors, and partner schools. SSP students are selected according to their financial, academic, and social needs. SSP students typically have a family per-capita annual income of less than $10,000, score average or below-average on middle-school reading and/or math standardized tests, and live with a single parent or guardian.
SSP sponsors and mentors are educated professionals who make a four-year commitment to support a student. Mentors become role models for their students and help guide them academically.
SSP partner schools maintain a structured and nurturing learning environment, and they have a long history of educating New York City students. Each school assigns a dedicated coordinator to monitor and support the progress of SSP students and maintain regular contact with SSP families, mentors, and program staff.
SSP's 26 participating schools are located in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. Most of SSP's schools are Catholic schools.


Statistics show that:
The following schools are part of Student Sponsor Partners as of May 2019:

Notable donors

The Flanigan Society

Members of The Flanigan Society have donated more that $1 million over the course of 25 years.