Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard is a lawsuit filed by the organization Students for Fair Admissions and other plaintiffs, in the U.S. federal district court in Massachusetts in 2014, against Harvard University, claiming that Harvard discriminates against Asian-American applicants in its undergraduate admissions process.
On October 1, 2019, judge Allison D. Burroughs rejected the plaintiffs' claims, ruling that Harvard's admissions practices meet constitutional requirements and do not illicitly discriminate against Asian Americans. In February 2020, SFFA filed an appeal in the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Some commentators expect the case to eventually reach the United States Supreme Court.

Law on affirmative action

Harvard is a private university, but it receives federal funding, making it subject to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlaws racial discrimination. Race-conscious admissions policies may be legal, but must pass the “strict scrutiny” test, which requires that the use of race serve a “compelling governmental interest” — like the educational benefits that stem from diversity — and be “narrowly tailored” to satisfy that interest.
A "whole person review" process that considers many qualities about each candidate, including race, in its admissions process, is legal under Supreme Court's ruling in Fisher v. University of Texas and its predecessors. However, racial quotas are illegal under the Supreme Court's ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. In the Fisher I case , the Supreme Court additionally held that colleges must prove that race-based admissions policies are the only way to meet diversity goals.


The Project on Fair Representation, whose director and sole member is activist Edward Blum, aims to end racial classifications in education, voting procedures, legislative redistricting, and employment. An offshoot of Blum's organization, Students for Fair Admissions, filed a lawsuit in federal district court against Harvard University on November 17, 2014. Asian-Americans advocacy groups, with tens of thousands of members, filed amicus briefs in support of SFFA, believing that they or their children are discriminated against in college admission processes.
In the lawsuit, plaintiffs allege that Harvard imposes a soft racial quota, which keeps the numbers of Asian-Americans artificially low. The percentage of Asians admitted to Harvard, plaintiffs claimed, was suspiciously similar year after year despite dramatic increases in the number of Asian-American applicants and the size of the Asian-American population.
Harvard denies engaging in discrimination and said its admissions philosophy complies with the law. The school said the percentage of Asian-American students admitted has grown from 17% to 21% in a decade while Asian-Americans represent around 6% of the U.S. population. Various students, alumni and external groups filed friend-of-the-court briefs on both sides.
The case was paused until the Supreme Court clarified relevant law and issued its decision in Fisher II on June 23, 2016. The case resumed, and oral arguments were heard in Massachusetts federal district court in Boston in October 2018.

Personality scores of Asian-Americans

During the proceeding, it was revealed that Harvard consistently rated Asian-American applicants lower than others on traits like positive personality, likability, courage, kindness and being widely respected. Asian-Americans scored higher than applicants of any other racial or ethnic group on other admissions measures like test scores, grades and extracurricular activities, but the students’ personal ratings significantly dragged down their admissions chances. Alumni interviewers give Asian-Americans personal ratings comparable to white applicants, but Harvard's admissions office rates Asians as the worst scores of any racial group.
Harvard itself found a bias against Asian-American applicants in an internal investigation in 2013, but had never made the findings public or acted on them. Plaintiffs and commentators have compared the treatment of Asians with the Jewish quota in place in the early 20th century, which used deficient personalities as the reason for excluding Jews in elite universities.

Decision and appeal

In October 2019, federal judge Allison D. Burroughs ruled that Harvard College’s admissions policies do not illegally discriminate against Asian Americans. While the system is “not perfect,” the judge ruled, it nonetheless passes constitutional muster. In her ruling, Judge Burroughs states that there are “no quotas” in place at Harvard, despite acknowledging that the school “uses the racial makeup of admitted students to help determine how many students it should admit overall.” She also writes that it’s “possible” that the Asian applicants “did not possess the personal qualities that Harvard is looking for at the same rate as white applicants.”
In February 2020, SFFA filed an appeal in the First Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court is required to take the case and will likely hear oral arguments. The Justice Department filed a friend-of-the-court brief, arguing that Harvard University unlawfully discriminates against Asian Americans through racial quotas and imposing a “a racial penalty by systematically disfavoring Asian-American applicants."

Complaints by Asian-American groups

On May 15, 2015, a coalition of more than 60 Asian-American organizations filed federal complaints with the United States Department of Education and Department of Justice against Harvard University. The coalition asked for a civil rights investigation into what it described as Harvard's discriminatory admission practices against Asian-American applicants. Opposition from Asian-American groups had also led to the withdrawal of California's SCA-5, which would reauthorize the use of race-based affirmative action, currently banned by California Proposition 209. The complaints at the Department of Education was dismissed in July 2015 because a lawsuit making similar allegations was filed by Students for Fair Admissions in November 2014. In 2019, Department of Justice under the Trump administration opened an investigation into allegations against Harvard’s policies raised in the SFFA lawsuit. That investigation was pending as of August 2018.
According to the complaints, multiple studies have indicated that Harvard has engaged in systematic and continuous discrimination against Asian Americans in its subjective “holistic” college admissions process. They say Asian-American applicants with near-perfect test scores, top-one-percent grade point averages, academic awards, and leadership positions are unjustifiably rejected by Harvard. The discriminatory practices Harvard is alleged to have used include racial stereotypes, racially differentiated standards, and de facto racial quotas.
The studies cited in the complaints include: