Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a shareware cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface. It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.


The following is a list of features of Sublime Text:
Sublime Text 2.0.2 was released on 8 July 2013. Changes from the first version of the software as promoted by Skinner on the official Sublime blog include Retina display support and "Quick Skip Next" functionality."

Interface Guide

Panels, groups and screen modes
Column selection and multi-select editing
This feature allows users to select entire columns at once or place more than one cursor in text, which allows for simultaneous editing. All cursors then behave as if each of them was the only one in the text. Commands like move by character, move by line, text selection, move by words, move by subwords, move to beginning/end of line, etc., affect all cursors independently, allowing one to edit slightly complex repetitive structures quickly without the need to use macros or regex.
Auto completion
Sublime Text will offer to complete entries as the user is typing depending on the language being used. It also auto-completes variables created by the user.
Syntax highlight and high contrast display
The dark background on Sublime Text is intended to reduce eyestrain and increase the amount of contrast with the text. Syntax highlighting also makes syntaxes of the language easier to read.
In-editor code building
This feature allows users to run code for certain languages from within the editor, which eliminates the need to switch out to the command line and back again. This function can also be set to build the code automatically every time the file is saved.
This feature allows users to save blocks of frequently used code and assign keywords to them. The user can then type the keyword and press tab to paste the block of code whenever they require it.
Goto anything
This feature is a tool that allows users to switch between open, recent or project files and also navigate to symbols within them.
Other features
Sublime Text has a number of features in addition to these including:
Package Control is a third-party package manager for Sublime Text which allows the user to find, install, upgrade and remove plug-ins, usually without restarting Sublime Text. The package manager keeps installed packages up-to-date with an auto-upgrade feature and downloads packages from GitHub, BitBucket and a custom JSON-encoded channel/repository system. It also handles updating packages cloned from GitHub and BitBucket via Git and Hg, as well as providing commands for enabling and disabling packages. The package manager also includes a command to bundle any package directory into a.sublime-package file.
Notable third-party packages include:
Version 3 entered beta on 29 January 2013. At first available only for registered users who had purchased Sublime Text 2, on 28 June 2013 it became available to the general public. However, the very latest development builds still required a registration code. Sublime Text 3 was officially released on 13 September 2017.
Two of the main features that Sublime Text 3 adds include symbol indexing and pane management. Symbol Indexing allows Sublime Text to scan files and build an index to facilitate the features Goto Definition and Goto Symbol in Project. Pane Management allows users to move between panes via hotkeys.

Sublime Merge

Sublime HQ also offers Sublime Merge, a Git GUI and merging tool, released in 2018.