Subsea valves

Subsea valves are used to isolate or control the flow of material through an undersea pipeline or other apparatus. Most commonly used to transport oil and gas, they are designed to function in a sub-marine environment, withstanding the effects of raised external pressure, salt-water corrosion, and bubbles or debris in the material carried. Subsea valves undergo stringent testing to ensure high reliability.


Subsea valves are used in sub-marine environments, which can range in depth from shallow water to deep water. Various industries use subsea valves, with the oil and gas sector accounting for the majority, where there is a need to move material from, to, or below the seabed.

Hazards to subsea valves

External environmental factors to be considered specifically for subsea valves include waterproofing, increased ambient pressure, and long-term corrosion from the high salt content of seawater.
Internal factors to consider for subsea valves are related to the type of flow material. Typically in subsea environments, the flows will either be liquid or gas based but due to location of the operation, the flow can contain a significant amount of sand and debris. This can present internal structural challenges.
One of the most challenging aspects for subsea valve deployment is cavitation. This occurs when liquid, being pumped through various pieces of machinery including the subsea valve, contains bubbles. When the bubbles move through the system into areas of higher pressure they will collapse, and on moving into areas with lower pressure they will expand. This can have several negative effects including:
Due to the subsea valve not being easily accessible, it is of particular importance that it can function without hindrance, as replacement may be extremely costly.

Subsea valve testing

To overcome the problems associated with sub-marine environments, subsea valves are required to pass a number of stringent tests. These may include :