Subunit (format)

SubUnit is a streaming protocol for test results, which allows communication between unit tests and a test harness. It was originally developed for unit testing in 2005 by Robert Collins. Subunit comes with command line filters to process a SubUnit stream and language bindings for Python, C, C++ and Shell. Bindings are easy to write for other languages.
A number of useful things can be done easily with SubUnit:
There are two major revisions of the protocol. Version 1 was trivially human readable but had significant defects as far as highly parallel testing was concerned - it had no room for doing discovery and execution in parallel, required substantial buffering when multiplexing and was fragile - a corrupt byte could cause an entire stream to be misparsed. Version 1.1 added encapsulation of binary streams which mitigated some of the issues but the core remained.
Version 2 shares many of the good characteristics of Version 1 - it can be embedded into a regular text stream and it still models xUnit style test execution. It also fixes many of the issues with Version 1 - Version 2 can be multiplexed without excessive buffering, it has a well defined recovery mechanism for dealing with corrupted streams.

Usage examples

Here's an example of SubUnit general format:

time: 2016-03-24 21:05:38.652075Z
test: mytest.SampleTestCase.runTest
failure: mytest.SampleTestCase.runTest

time: 2011-05-2322:49:38.858163Z