Sudan II

Sudan II is a lysochrome azo dye used for staining of triglycerides in frozen sections, and some protein bound lipids and lipoproteins on paraffin sections. It has the appearance of red powder with melting point 156–158 °C and maximum absorption at 493 nm.

Other names

Other common names include Solvent Orange 7 and Color Index No: 12140. Other names include: A F Red No. 5, Aizen Food Red No. 5, Brasilazina Oil Scarlet 6G, Brilliant Oil Scarlet B, Calco Oil Scarlet BL, Ceres Orange RR
Cerisol Scarlet G, Cerotinscharlach G, EINECS 221-490-4, Ext D & C Red No. 14, Fast Oil Orange II, Fat Red, Fat Scarlet 2G, FD & C No. 32, Fettorange B, Grasan Orange 3R, HSDB 6365
Japan Red 5, Japan Red 505, Lacquer Orange VR, Motirot G, Oil Orange, Oil Scarlet, Orange Insoluble RR, Orange oil KB, Ponceau insoluble olg, Pyronalrot R, Red B, Red No. 5, Resin Scarlet 2R, Resoform Orange R, Rot B, Rot GG fettloeslich, Solvent Orange 7, Somalia Orange 2R, Somalia Orange A2R, Sudan ax, Sudan Orange. Sudan Orange RPA, Sudan Orange RRA, Sudan Red, Sudan Scarlet 6G, Sudan X, UNII-8C1M5O3ECT, Waxakol vermilion, and Waxakol vermilion L.


In industry, it is used to color nonpolar substances like oils, fats, waxes, greases, various hydrocarbon products, and acrylic emulsions.
It was used a food dye under the designation FD&C Red 32 in the US until the FDA banned its use in food in 1956 due to toxicity.