Suit of coins

The Suit of Coins is one of the four suits used in Latin suited playing cards, such as Spanish, Italian and tarot decks. It corresponds to the Suit of Diamonds in standard decks.
In occult uses of tarot, Coins is considered part of the "Minor Arcana", and may alternately be known as "Pentacles", though this has no basis in its original use for card games. Like the other tarot suits, it contains fourteen cards: ace, two through ten, page, knight, queen and king.

Divinatory and occult meanings

In occult and divinatory usage the suit is connected with the classical element of Earth, the physical body and possessions or wealth. Coins as a Latin suit represent the feudal class of traders, and therefore to worldly matters in general. Associated physical characteristics include dark hair and eyes, dark complexion, and sturdy build.
In the Rider-Waite tarot deck and derivative decks, the suit is called the suit of pentacles, and each card incorporates one or more discs each displaying a pentacle. In The Book of Thoth it is called the suit of discs, and the cards are associated with the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn signs of the Zodiac.

Cards in the suit of coins

Alternate Decks

In French-language decks, the suit is called Deniers. The picture cards are Valet, Chevalier, Reine, and Roi. This suit was later changed to Diamonds.
German and Swiss decks use round Schellen instead.