Sun Yat Sen Park, Macau

Sun Yat Sen Park is an urban park in Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Macau, China. The park is named for the founding father of the Republic of China, Dr Sun Yat Sen.
The park is a 70,000 square meters urban park located in northern Macau in Our Lady of Fatima Parish along the border with Zhuhai, Mainland China. The park is located next to Canal dos Patos, but access to the former canal is closed off, and Barrier Gate. It was originally called Canal Dos Patos Park to commemorate the friendship between China and Portugal in 1987. The park is one of forty three parks in the world to bear this name.
The park features:
The Macao Public Library Wong Ieng Kuan Library in Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Municipal Park occupies of space in a former restaurant in the park. One of several created with funding by Chinese Peruvian Wong Ieng Kuan, it opened in a separate building in the park in 1996 and moved to its current building on 24 January 2014.