Suncheon Bay

Located in Suncheon, Jeonnam in South Korea, Suncheon Bay is a coastal wetland, composed of a long stream, a wide tideland and a wide field of reeds. Due to its natural coast, it is the habitat of migratory birds and plants and animals. It is the first Korean coastal wetland, Suncheon Bay Ecological Park, to be registered on the list of The Ramsar Wetland on January 20, 2006.


Suncheon Bay's wide tideland, field of reeds, and salt swamp have their natural scenes undamaged. Salt swamp has a function in water pollution prevention and purification, keeping Suncheon Bay clean and undamaged. The shallow tideland at the river mouth has reasonable salt content, abundant organisms, and a healthy water quality. These characteristics make Suncheon Bay a spawning ground for fish, crab, shellfish, etc.


Animals hypothetically present