Sundarganj Upazila

Sundarganj is an Upazila of Gaibandha District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh.


Sundarganj is located at . It has 70165 households and total area 426.52 km². Also, Sundarganj is situated on the banks of the river Teesta.


As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Sundarganj has a population of 360676. Males constitute 50.17% of the population, and females 49.83%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 166753. Sundarganj has an average literacy rate of 24.1%, and the national average of 32.4% literate.


Sundarganj has 15 Unions/Wards, 110 Mauzas/Mahallas, and 178 villages.

College List of Sundarganj Upazila