Sundel bolong

In Indonesian mythology, a sundel bolong is a mythical ghost from the archipelago which is a woman with beautiful long hair and a long white dress. The myth is closely linked to prostitutes, meaning a "prostitute with a hole in her", in reference to the large hole which is said to appear in her back.


The name "sundel bolong" derives from the physical appearance of the ghost. The word "sundel" which means "prostitute" or "whore" and "bolong" in Javanese which literally means "hole." Modern folklore studies believe that the myth was developed in Javan culture to deter prostitution that developed during the Dutch East Indies colonization.


In folklore, a sundel bolong is the soul of a woman who died when she was pregnant outside of marriage and therefore gave birth in her grave, or who died during childbirth and the baby came out from her back which is concealed from men by her long black hair.
The victims of sundel bolong consist mainly of men and children. As a vengeful spirit, if rejected by a man, she is said to castrate him. Children, especially newborns are said to be taken to replace her lost child.
Sundel Bolong has appeared in a number of movies. In 1981, an adult horror film, Sundelbolong was released, directed by Sisworo Gautama Putra and in 2007, Legenda Sundel Bolong was released, as well as a remake version, which was released in 2018.

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