
Suodenniemi is a former municipality of southwestern Finland.
Suodenniemi was first consolidated into Vammala in 2007. On 1 January 2009, Vammala itself was consolidated with Äetsä and Mouhijärvi to form the new named town of Sastamala.


Suodenniemi was located in western Pirkanmaa region, and was part of the former provinces of Turku and Pori Province and Western Finland Province.


, Kiikoistenmaa, Kittilä, Koivuniemi, Kouraniemi, Lahdenperä, Leppälammi, Makkonen, Pajuniemi, Peräkunta, Pohjakylä, Pyykoskenmaa, Suodenniemi, Sävi and Taipale.


The municipality had a population of 1,372 and covered an area of of which is water. The population density was 6.6 inhabitants per.
The municipality was unilingually Finnish.