Super Inggo at ang Super Tropa

Super Inggo at ang Super Tropa is a Filipino animated TV series that aired on ABS-CBN. The series, composed of 14 episodes, was broadcast from November 22, 2009 to February 21, 2010, while reruns began on May 3, 2010. It is a spin-off of the television series Super Inggo.


The series tells the story of Budong, a poor boy who has a secret life as the superhero Super Inggo. Super Inggo, with his friends Ken and Teg, form the rookie superhero team, the Super Tropa. Other major characters are Budong's friends, Jomar and Maya, and Budong's mother, Pacita. Each episode, the protagonists find themselves in funny action-oriented adventures that provide life lessons by the end of the episode.


Super Inggo at ang Super Tropa is the first collaborative project between ABS-CBN TV Production, represented by business unit head and Vice President for TV Production Enrico Santos, and the newly formed ABS-CBN Animation Department, led by business unit head Guia Jose, who has trained at the Hanna-Barbera Studios in the United States during the 1980s. She explained that the first Pinoy animation will run for two seasons, with each season tentatively containing 13 episodes that will approximately run for 22 minutes.
Enrico also elaborated that ABS-CBN has a vision of coming up with the country's very own renowned animation department, much like the Walt Disney company. He said that if Walt Disney has Mickey Mouse, ABS-CBN is investing on Super Inggo as its own trademark character.


Super Inggo at ang Super Tropa features the voices of the original characters:
The series was directed by Enrico C. Santos, with Randy Villanueva as headwriter. Obet Villela also wrote episodes 3, 4, 5 and 8, Christian Mark Vidallo also wrote episode 2, Pear Clemente wrote 3 and Fionna Acaba wrote episode 4.