Six normal childhood friends bound together by friendship find themselves faced with a shocking revelation – their parents are the legendary Super Noypi, the most powerful superheroes in the land! But now they are in danger, taken hostage by the wicked super-villain Diego. One by one, the six friends discover their super powers: the ability to move objects with their mind, becoming invisible at will, having superhuman strength and speed, transforming into any shape imaginable, casting spells and controlling fire and ice. With the help of a strong and spirited stranger from the future named Lia, who claims that the world as we know it will cease to exist if they don’t stop Diego now, Lorenzo Valdez, Annys Valdez, Yñigo Raymundo, Euen Rapisora, Michie Rapisora, and Tonton Valdez stick together, taking a stand against evil in order to save the world and the people they love the most.
John Prats as Yñigo Raymundo: Yñigo is the son of legendary aswangs. He has superhuman strength and speed and transforms into his aswang form whenever there is a threat of danger. He is funny, witty and happy-go-lucky. He breaks up with Annys after he finds out she's Cassandra, the daughter of Diego. Annys stole Euen's spell book to throw up in the sky when her father: Diego blast the spell book off.
Polo Ravales as Euen Rapisora: Euen is the eldest son of the strongest wizards and witches. A rocker at heart, he is always locking horns with his younger sister who loves all things pink. Upon discovery of their superhero lineage, Euen also inherits a spell book, which enables him to cast magic spells.
Sandara Park as Michie Rapisora: Michie is the younger sister of Euen who is almost always at odds with her brother. She is perky, a bit vain but also absolutely lovable. She inherits a magical staff, which enables her to control and create fire and ice.
Katrina Halili as Annys Valdez / Cassandra Azaren: Annys is the younger sister of Lorenzo and the girlfriend of Yñigo. She can become invisible at will and also has the power of premonition, The Truth is she is the actual daughter of Diego.
Mark Herras as Lorenzo Valdez: Lorenzo is the eldest son of the most powerful superheroes. When their father left years ago, he stood as the head of the family and helped his mother take care of his two younger siblings. He has telekinetic powers, is the leader and the strongest among the new breed of Super Noypi.
Jennylyn Mercado as Lia: Lia is a master of martial arts and a rebel from the year 2075 who travels back through time to find a way to defeat the dictator and super-villain Diego. She tries to change the course of history by looking for the descendants of the greatest superheroes the country has ever known.
Andrew Muhlach as Tonton Valdez: Tonton is the youngest brother of Lorenzo and Annys, and also the baby of the group. A typical kid, he is playful and sometimes mischievous. As his older siblings and their friends begin to discover their new powers, he finds himself not having any and feels kind of left out. But in the end, he finds out that he has one of the mightiest and most overwhelming powers of all.
Monsour del Rosario as Diego Azaren: Diego is a technology genius who rose from the ranks and became the most evil and powerful dictator the country has known. He has made it his personal mission to wipe out the Super Noypi and their descendants.