
Supinfogame is the first French school fully dedicated to the videogame industry. Located in Valenciennes, it is one of the three schools of Rubika, with Supinfocom and International School of Design. Based on a chamber of commerce initiative and launched in 2001, Supinfogame trains students in game design, game art, management and game programming.
Each year, 40 baccalaureate laureates pass the test to start the 3-year first Cycle, in Management/Game Design or Management/Game Art Section. The second cycle is open to candidates with an HND level. The number of students in the Second cycle is 25 places for Management/Game Design, 20 places for Management/Game Art and 16 for Management/Programming.
The diploma delivered is recognized by the French Government and its title is : Videogame Director. It is a Bac+5 diploma. The school is also supported by the SELL, the SNJV and by the European Union as part of ESF and ERDF.

Supinfogame and the videogame industry

Since its beginning, Supinfogame has built its educational content with the help of professionals.
In France and abroad, videogame companies trust SUPINFOGAME's pedagogy and therefore offer internships and positions to students in France and worldwide.
Thus, many students and graduates appear in the credits of significant published games like: Dishonored, Assassin's Creed, Crysis 2,, Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and so on.


Supinfogame offers a wide range of careers: game designer, level designer, production assistant, project manager, 2D/3D, 2D/3D animator, character designer, and screenplay writer.
Out of 200 diplomaed students, 98.0% actually work in the Gaming Industry.