Surah of Wilaya and Nurayn

The Surah of Wilaya and Nurayn are two surahs that are considered forgeries by Sunni and shai Scholars. The chapters first appeared in a mid 17th century book called "Dabistan-i Madhahib" by anonymous writer in India. These chapters are not to be found in the Qur'an and there is no record of them in earlier sources.


Surat al-Nurayn, meaning "the Chapter of the Two Lights"
Surat al-wilaya, meaning "the chapter of mastership"


Neither Shi'a believe those surahs are included in the Qur'an, but some have claimed that the Shi'a do indeed believe those surahs to be an authentic part of the Qur'an and include them therein. However, the Shi'a dismiss this as unfounded accusations aimed at accusing Shi'as of believing in the corruption of the Qur'an. No copy of the Quran exists with the addition of these two surahs and there is no mention of them found in any of the earliest codices of the Quran and Hadith. The author of text on the other hand is said to have been a Parsi according to some academics. On the other hand, M. Momen states that:
Western Academics such as von Grunebaum view the text as a clear forgery, although many of them have not subscribed to the idea that the text was indeed a forgery made by a Zoroastrian and not a Shia.