Surgeon's assistant

An assistant surgeon, assistant in surgery, physicians as assistants at surgery, surgeon assistant, first assistant or surgical assistant assists with a surgical operation under the direction of a surgeon.
In the United Kingdom, a surgical care practitioner is not a qualified doctor, but may perform simple surgical operations under the supervision of one.
In the United States, the American College of Surgeons supports the concept that, ideally, the first assistant at the operating table should be a qualified surgeon or a resident in an approved surgical training program. Residents who have appropriate levels of training should be provided with opportunities to assist and participate in operations. If such assistants are unavailable, other physicians who are experienced in assisting may participate or a qualified practitioner licensed in the role of surgical assistant. The American College of Surgeons maintains that a physician who assists with an operation should be trained to participate in and actively assist the surgeon in safely completing the operation. When a surgeon is unavailable to serve as an assistant, a qualified surgical resident or other qualified health care professional, a qualified practitioner is defined as any licensed practitioner with sufficient training to conduct a delegated portion of a procedure without the need for more experienced supervision, according to the ACS Statements on Principles.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor defines surgical assistant as individuals that assist in operations, under the supervision of surgeons. May, in accordance with state laws, help surgeons to make incisions and close surgical sites, manipulate or remove tissues, implant surgical devices or drains, suction the surgical site, place catheters, clamp or cauterize vessels or tissue, and apply dressings to surgical site.