Suroboyo Bus

Suroboyo Bus is a city bus system in Surabaya, Indonesia. Suroboyo Bus was launched on April 7, 2018.


A smartphone application called GoBis can detect and monitor the position of a Suroboyo Bus in real time.
At present Suroboyo Bus operates in three routes,
Buses are 2.4 meters wide and 12 meters long, can carry as many as 67 people. The features of Suroboyo Bus are; chairs with different colors. The pink chair is for female passengers, while the orange chair is for male passengers at the rear. Seat differentiation is intended to minimize acts of sexual abuse on the bus. 12 CCTV cameras are installed on the inside, also 3 CCTV cameras on the outside. Installation of CCTV is to provide a sense of security for passengers. The bus door is equipped with sensors, so if there are passengers standing near the door, the door will not be closed, the bus will not run until the door is completely closed. Suroboyo Bus also has an emergency anticipation system by using the emergency button in the event of a fire or accident, the bus driver can press the button and the alarm will sound then the bus door will open automatically.

Operating hours and payment

Suroboyo Bus operating hours start at 06.00-22.00 WIB.
Payment for boarding the bus is unique, namely plastic waste. This step is intended to reduce plastic waste which is a serious problem in the environment. Plastic waste paid will be collected and then deposited to the Waste Bank. Waste collected is sold for recycling into more useful materials.