Suzanne Fournier

Suzanne Fournier is a former Chief of Public Affairs for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, DC.
Prior to her assignment as Chief of Public Affairs, she served as a civilian employee of USACE in Iraq as part of the U.S. military deployment, and she was a blogger for the web site, under the name "Grandma in Iraq." Her blog became controversial because although it was stated on the blog that she was a U.S. government employee, some readers of the blog were unaware that she was really a Public Affairs Officer for the Gulf Region Southern District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Some readers argued that Fournier was trying to sway public opinion without disclosing her identity as a professional public information officer.
A Freedom of Information Act request resulted in release of emails between Fournier, other USACE employees and the Cincinnati Enquirer. The blog was eventually discontinued.