Swedish Business Awards

The Swedish Business Awards were established in 2006. The project aims to provide positive examples for international establishments and business development by highlighting the success of cooperation, emphasizing innovativeness, outstanding business achievements and the importance of contributions to society. This initiative promotes internationalization of business and serves as a yearly meeting point to discuss achievements, practices and aims. Culmination of the project is the ceremony which includes presentations, discussions and awards for the most successful international and local companies operating in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The Swedish Business Awards are prestigious event - selected participants are invited, combining representatives from Swedish companies, top executives and opinion leaders on National business stage and top politicians. In addition to this, in 2014 in Estonia awards were handed by Crown Princess of Sweden Victoria, while in 2015 in Lithuania by HM King Carl XVI Gustaf.

Sustainable event

In 2015, celebrating 10th anniversary, Swedish Business Awards became the first sustainable event in Lithuania, organized in accordance with the requirements of ISO 20121:2012 standards. ISO 20121:2012 Event Sustainability Management System standard is applicable for any type of event or event-related activity and to any organization that wishes to establish, implement, maintain or improve an event sustainability management system. In order to offset the direct and unavoidable carbon emissions from this event organization, the organizers of the awards planted around 5 thousand trees in Lithuanian forests.


The project was initiated in 2006 by four organizations:
The main sponsors and partners of the event:
The Swedish Trade & Invest Council takes an active role in implementation, while other organizations are active in strategic guidance and implementation of specific aspects.
In 2016, Swedish Business Awards will focus on Technology & Innovation as the key topic of the event.
The event in Lithuania will take place at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, on 29 September 2016.
Swedish Business Awards in Latvia are planned to take place at National Library of Latvia, on 13 October 2016.
In Estonia, award ceremony is planned to take place on 18 of October, 2016 at Kumu Art Museum.


The awards ceremony honors most successful companies in the following nominations:

Sustainable Growth Award

Criteria: harmonious development of the company - turnover growth with positive results during previous year and contributions to environmental and social sustainability.
Limitation: only companies operating in Lithuania for at least 3 years are to be considered as candidates.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Note: In 2011 "Corporate Social Responsibility" nomination name was updated to "Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year".
Criteria: the most relevant contribution to the development of society in Lithuania.
The Swedish Business Awards wish to promote and strengthen the Corporate Social Responsibility commitment among corporations. There is a need for greater awareness about CSR and the Swedish Business Awards would like to be a part of that process. The award is an important step to raise the CSR awareness and to attract attention to excellent examples of CSR projects carried out by companies in Lithuania.
For this award, the Decision Committee is looking for the organization that can best demonstrate a company-wide commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. The Decision Committee is looking for evidence of a clearly articulated and widely communicated CSR strategy embedded in the company's business strategy, together with examples of policies or projects that positively impact on the society in terms of the environment, employment, education and charitable work.

Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Criteria: entrepreneurs under 35 years of age, with good reputation, inspiring and sustainable business that makes an impact to the market or society at large.
The nomination was introduced in 2010.

Technological Innovation of the Year

Criteria: the most remarkable technological innovation that was implemented during 2014 or 2015. The technological innovation can be related to all aspects of the company's or organization's activities: new services, products, or work policies and approaches.
The nomination was introduced in Estonia, in 2015.

Discontinued/Updated nominations

Fastest growing Swedish company

Criteria: the highest turnover growth as measured in per cent.
Limitation: only Swedish-owned companies can apply for this nomination.
Only Swedish owned companies operating in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia for full 3 years can be considered as candidates in the “Fastest growing Swedish company in Lithuania” nomination category. The award is given to organization that demonstrated the highest annual turnover growth.
In 2011 "Fastest growing Swedish company" nomination was replaced by "Sustainable Growth Award".

Innovator of the Year

Criteria: the most notable innovations in terms of new services, products, or work policies and approaches introduced during the previous year.
An openness to new ways of thinking requires curiosity as well as a strong drive and courage to create new rules. The drive comes from an ambition to change, a desire to create and a longing for what feels new. Innovativeness also requires daring to believe in a better future that leads to crossing borders and innovative results.
The Swedish Business Awards wishes to encourage innovativeness by emphasizing creativity and braveness to break traditional boundaries. The innovation can be related to all aspects of the company's or organization's activities: new services, products, or work policies and approaches.
In 2010 "The Innovator of the Year" nomination was replaced by "The Young Entrepreneur of the Year".

Hall of fame


Sustainable Growth Award:
Fastest growing Swedish company :
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year:* Swedbank, 2013
Young Entrepreneur of the Year:
Innovator of the Year :
Technological Innovation of the Year Award:
Technological Innovation of the Year Award:
Sustainable Growth Award:
Fastest growing Swedish company :
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year:
Young Entrepreneur of the Year:
Innovator of the Year :
Technology for the Social Progress Award :
Technological Innovation of the Year Award:
Sustainable Growth Award:
Fastest growing Swedish company :
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year:
Young Entrepreneur of the Year:
Innovator of the Year :
Business IQ of the Year :
Technology for the Social Progress Award :