Swedish Schools Inspectorate

The Swedish Schools Inspectorate, commonly known as the School Inspectorate, is a Swedish government agency headed by a director general appointed by the government.
The primary aim of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate is to contribute to school improvement and development. The overall goal is a school system where all children have equal rights to a good education and knowledge in a secure environment.
The agency has two types of assignments. One of them is to conduct regular supervisory audits, and the other one is to conduct :wikt:quality|quality control. Regular supervision is conducted in every school by three-year intervals, while quality control is conducted randomly or at the request of someone, often parents.
The agency has the opportunity to decide on complaints, orders or injunctions with a penalty to get school boards to implement necessary measures. As a last resort, the authority may withdraw the authorization for independent schools, adopt measures on the municipal local principal's expense, or to close a school.
Several other missions, such as auditing of grants for schools and reviews of test results, is also conducted by the agency.
The agency was formed on 1 October 2008 on the initiative of Minister for Education Jan Björklund but is a separate agency from the Ministry of Education.
