Swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus
Swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus is a coronavirus related to Rhinolophus bat coronavirus HKU2. It is transmitted through the feces of horseshoe bats to pigs. Piglets less than 5 days old die with a probability of 90%. SADS-CoV was identified during the Severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus in Guangdong 2016 onwards, where it caused the death of more than 24,000 piglets on 4 farms. Current research says that it cannot infect humans.Detection
The SADS-CoV in the pigs was found to be 98.48% genetically identical to one collected in anal swabs from 2013–2016 of the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat, Least horseshoe bat, king horseshoe bat, intermediate horseshoe bat.