Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien
Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien by Adolf Engler is a complete revision of plant families down to generic level and often even further. As such it forms part of the Engler system of plant taxonomy.
Engler's starting point was that of Eichler who had been the first to use phylogenetic principles, and reflected the new post-Darwinian perspective, although Engler himself did not think that his was. His modified Eichler schema first appeared in 1886 in his Guide to Breslau Botanic Garden and was expanded in his Syllabus in 1892. This reflected the new post-Darwinian perspective. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien first appeared in 1892 with the title Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik. Many subsequent editions have appeared since, and it was continued after Engler's death in 1930. The most recent edition was the 13th in 2009. A number of references to the Engler system actually refer to later revisions undertaken by Melchior and colleagues, the 12th edition of the Syllabus, also referred to as the Melchior system.
First edition (1892)
Review of previous systems p. xviiSchema p. xx
- Myxothallophyta p. 1
- * Myxomycetes
- Euthallophyta p. 3
- * Schizophyta
- * Dinoflagellata
- * Bacillariales
- * Gamophyceae
- * Fungi
- Embryophyta Zoidiogama
- * Bryophyta p. 43
- * Pteridophyta p. 53
- Embryophyta Siphonogama
- * Gymnospermae p. 59
- * Angiospermae p. 64
- ** Class Chalazogamae p. 64
- ** Class Acrogamae p. 65
- *** Subclass Monocotyledoneae 10 Orders
- **** 1. Pandanales p. 65
- ****...
- **** 8. Liliiflorae p. 81
- **** 9. Scitamineae p. 87
- **** 10 Microspermae p. 89
- *** Subclass Dicotyledoneae 2 groups
- **** Group Archichlamydeae 23 orders
- ***** 1. Piperales p. 93
- *****...
- ***** 19. Parietales p. 138 24 families
- *****...
- ***** Violaceae p. 142
- *****...
- ***** 20. Opuntiales p. 144
- *****...
- ***** 23. Polygonales p. 101
- **** Group Sympetalae 9 Orders
- ***** 1. Ericales p. 151
- *****...
- ***** 9. Campanulatae p. 173
Third edition (1903)
The main groups of plants are shown here with page numbers in and some corresponding volumes in Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien in , however there are changes between editions:Review of previous systems p. xxi
From schema and index
- I. Abteilung. Phytosarcodina, Myxothallophyta, Myxomycetes
- II. Abteilung. Schizophyta
- III. Abteilung. Flagellatae
- IV. Abteilung. Dinoflagellatae
- ? Abteilung. Silicoflagellatae
- V. Abteilung. Zygophyceae
- VI. Abteilung. Chlorophyceae
- VII. Abteilung. Charales
- VIII. Abteilung. Phaeophyceae
- IX. Abteilung. Dictyotales
- X. Abteilung. Rhodophyceae
- XI. Abteilung. Eumycetes
- XII. Abteilung. Embryophyta asiphonogama
- * I. Unterabteilung Bryophyta
- * II. Unterabteilung Pteridophyta
- XIII. Abteilung. Embryophyta siphonogama
- * I. Unterabteilung Gymnospermae
- * II. Unterabteilung Angiospermae
XIII Embryophyta siphonogama
- I. Unterabteilung Gymnospermae 6 classes
- II. Unterabteilung Angiospermae 2 classes
- * 1. Klasse Monocotyledoneae 11 orders
- * 2. Klasse Dicotyledoneae 2 sublasses
2 classes- 1. Klasse Monocotyledoneae 11 orders
- 2. Klasse Dicotyledoneae 2 sublasses
- 1. Reihe Pandanales
- 2. Reihe Helobiae
- 3. Reihe Triuridales
- 4. Reihe Glumiflorae
- 5. Reihe Principes
- 6. Reihe Synanthae
- 7. Reihe Spathiflorae
- 8. Reihe Farinosae
- 9. Reihe Liliiflorae
- 10. Reihe Scitamineae
- 11. Reihe Microspermae
- 1. Unterklasse Archechlamydeae
- 2. Unterklasse Metachlamydeae
Monocotyledon family structure
11 ordersPandanales
- Pandanaceae
- Sparganiaceae
- Typhaceae
- subordo Alismatineae
- : Alismataceae
- : Butomaceae
- subordo Hydrocharitineae
- : Hydrocharitaceae
- subordo Scheuchzeriineae
- : Scheuchzeriaceae
- subordo Potamogetonineae
- : Aponogetonaceae
- : Juncaginaceae
- : Potamogetonaceae
- : Najadaceae
- : Zannichelliaceae
- Triuridaceae
- Gramineae
- : Maydeae
- : Andropogoneae
- : Paniceae
- : Oryzeae
- : Phalarideae
- : Agrostideae
- : Aveneae
- : Festuceae
- : Chlorideae
- : Hordeeae
- : Bambuseae
- Cyperaceae
- Palmae or Arecaceae
- Cyclanthaceae
- Araceae
- Lemnaceae
3 suborders 9 families
- p. 93
- Juncineae 1 family
- Liliineae 7 families
- Iridineae 1 family
- suborder Juncineae
- : Juncaceae
- subordo Liliineae 7 families
- : Stemonaceae
- : Liliaceae
- :: subfamilia Melanthioideae 6 tribes
- ::: Tofieldieae
- ::: Helonieae
- ::: Veratreae
- ::: Uvularieae
- ::: Anguillarieae
- ::: Colchiceae
- :: subfamilia Herrerioideae
- :: subfamilia Asphodeloideae 8 tribes
- ::: Asphodeleae
- ::: Hemerocallideae
- ::: Aloineae
- ::: Aphyllantheae
- ::: Johnsonieae
- ::: Dasypogoneae
- ::: Lomandreae
- ::: Calectasieae
- :: subfamilia Allioideae 3 tribes
- ::: Agapantheae
- ::: Allieae
- ::: Gilliesieae
- :: subfamilia Lilioideae 2 tribes
- ::: Tulipeae 6 genera
- ::: Scilleae 7 genera
- :: subfamilia Dracaenoideae 3 tribes
- :: subfamilia Asparagoideae 4 tribes
- :: subfamilia Ophiopogonoideae
- :: subfamilia Aletroideae
- :: subfamilia Luzuriagoideae
- :: subfamilia Smilacoideae
- : Haemodoraceae
- : Amaryllidaceae 3 subfamilies
- :: subfamilia Amaryllidoideae 2 tribes
- ::: Amaryllideae
- ::: Narcisseae
- :: subfamilia Agavoideae
- :: subfamilia Campynematoideae
- : Velloziaceae
- : Taccaceae
- : Dioscoreaceae 2 tribes
- subordo Iridineae 2 families
- : Iridaceae
- :: subfamilia Crocoideae
- :: subfamilia Iridoideae 3 tribes
- :: subfamilia Ixioideae 3 tribes
- Musaceae p. 101
- Zingiberaceae
- Cannaceae
- Marantaceae
- Lowiaceae p. 102
- Orchidaceae
Thirteenth edition (2009-)
- Cyanoprokaryota
- Acrasia
- Eumycetozoa
- * Protostelia
- * Dictyostelia
- * Myxogastria
- Phytomyxea
- Fungi / Mycobionta
- * Chytridiomycota
- ** Blastocladiomycetes
- ** Chytridiomycetes
- ** Monoblepharidomycetes
- ** Neocallimastigomycetes
- * Zygomycota
- ** Entomophthoromycotina
- ** Mortierellomycotina
- ** Mucoromycotina
- ** Kickxellomycotina
- ** Zoopagomycotina
- * Glomeromycota
- ** Glomeromycetes
- * Ascomycota
- * Basidiomycota
- Heterokontobionta
- * Labyrinthulomycota
- ** Labyrinthulomycetes
- * Oomycota
- ** Hyphochytridiomycetes
- ** Peronosporomycetes
- * Cryptophyta
- ** Cryptophyceae
- ** Goniomonadea
- * Dinophyta/Dinozoa
- ** Perkinsea
- ** Oxyrrhidophyceae
- ** Ellobiophyceae
- ** Syndiniophyceae
- ** Noctiluciphyceae
- ** Dinophyceae
- * Haptophyta
- ** Pavlovophyceae
- ** Coccolithophyceae
- * Heterokontophyta / Ochrophyta
- ** Diatomeae, Bacillariophyceae s.l.
- *** Coscinodiscophyceae
- *** Mediophyceae
- *** Fragilariophyceae
- *** Bacillariophyceae
- ** Other heterokontophytes
- *** Bolidophyceae
- *** Dictyochophyceae
- *** Pelagophyceae
- *** Pinguiophyceae
- *** Eustigmatophyceae
- *** Picophagea
- *** Synchromophyceae
- *** Chrysophyceae
- *** Raphidophyceae
- *** Chrysomerophyceae
- *** Aurearenophyceae
- *** Phaeothamniophyceae
- *** Xanthophyceae
- *** Schizocladiophyceae
- *** Phaeophyceae
- Glaucobionta
- * Glaucophyta
- Rhodobionta
- * Rhodophyta
- Organisation type "Green Algae"
- * Chlorarachniophyta / Cercozoa
- ** Chlorarachniophyceae
- * Euglenophyta/Euglenozoa
- ** Euglenophyceae
- * Chlorobionta
- ** Chlorophyta
- *** Nephroselmidophyceae
- *** Mamiellophyceae
- *** Prasinophyceae
- *** Pedinophyceae
- *** Chlorodendrophyceae
- *** Trebouxiophyceae
- *** Chlorophyceae
- *** Ulvophyceae
- *** Chlorophyta incertae sedis
- *** Palmophyllales
- ** Streptophyta
- *** Mesostigmatophyceae
- *** Chlorokybophyceae
- *** Klebsormidiophyceae
- *** Coleochaetophyceae
- *** Zygnematophyceae
- *** Charophyceae
- *** Embryobionta
- **** "Bryophytes"
- ***** Marchantiophyta
- ***** Bryophyta
- ***** Anthocerotophyta
- **** Polysporangiomorpha
- ***** "Protracheophytes"
- ***** Tracheophyta
- ****** Rhyniophytina
- ****** Lycophytina
- ****** Euphyllophytina
- ******* “Trimerophytina”
- ******* Moniliformopses
- ******* Radiatopses
- ****** Spermatophytina
- ******* Pinopsida
- ******* Magnoliopsida
- ******** Magnoliidae
- ******** Lilianae
- ********* Acorales, Alismatales, Petrosaviales, Dioscoreales, Pandanales, Liliales, Asparagales
- ********* Arecales, Commelinales, Poales, Zingiberales, Dasypogonales
- ******** Eudicotyledons
Works by Engler
Syllabus editions 1892–1924
- *
- 1904: Engler, A. idem, 4th ed., Borntraeger, Berlin.
- 1907: Engler, A. idem, 5th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 247 p.
- 1909: Engler, A. idem, 6th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 254 p.
- 1912: Engler, A. & E. Gilg, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien: eine Übersicht über das gesamte Pflanzensystem mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Medizinal- und Nutzpflanzen, nebst einer Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Florengebiete der Erde zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen und Studien über spezielle und medizinisch-pharmazeutische Botanik, 7th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 387 p.
- 1924: Engler, A. & E. Gilg, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien: eine Übersicht über das ganze Pflanzensystem mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Medizinal- und Naturpflanzen nebst einer Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Florengebiete der Erde zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen und Studien über spezielle und medizinisch-pharmazeutische Botanik , 9th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 420 p.
- 1924: Engler, A. & E. Gilg, idem, 10th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin.
Posthumous editions
- 1936: Diels, L. A. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien: eine Übersicht über das ganze Pflanzensystem mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Medizinal- und Nutzpflanzen nebst einer Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Florengebiete der Erde zum Gebrauch bei Vorselungen und Studien über spezielle und medizinisch-pharmazeutische Botanik, 11th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 419 p.
- *
- *
- * In 2009, the edition was revived, with the publication of the first of five replanned volumes
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Forthcoming parts:
- ** Part 1/3: Basidiomycota
- ** Part 2/2: Rhodobionta
- ** Part 5: Seed Plants, Spermatophytes
Other works by Engler
Works about Engler