Sylvie et le fantôme

Sylvie et le fantôme is a 1946 French film directed by Claude Autant-Lara.


Sylvie is fascinated by the portrait of long dead Alain de Francigny and she is upset when her father, Baron Eduard, is forced to sell the painting. The Baron hires an actor to appear as Alain's ghost on the eve of Sylvie's 16th birthday, as a joke. Two admirers of Sylvie decide to also appear as ghosts. All this annoys the actual ghost of Alain de Francigny, and he too makes an appearance.


The special effect of the ghost appearing was achieved by filming through a glass pane and using two identical sets. Through the glass, the primary set would be visible. This was a regular set where all actors appeared, except the ghost. At the same time the reflection would be visible of the second set, placed at a ninety degree angle to the primary set. This set was covered entirely in black velvet, and the only actor on this set was Tati.