
SymbolicC++ is a general purpose computer algebra system written in the programming language C++. It is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. SymbolicC++ is used by including a C++ header file or by linking against a library.


  1. include
  2. include "symbolicc++.h"
using namespace std;
int main

The following program fragment inverts the matrix

Symbolic theta;
Symbolic R =, sin,
, cos );
cout << R; // sin
Symbolic RI = R.inverse;
cout << RI;

The output is

The next program illustrates non-commutative symbols in SymbolicC++. Here b is a Bose annihilation operator and bd is a Bose creation operator. The variable vs denotes the vacuum state. The ~ operator toggles the commutativity of a variable, i.e. if b is commutative that ~b is non-commutative and if b is non-commutative ~b is commutative.

  1. include
  2. include "symbolicc++.h"
using namespace std;
int main

Further examples can be found in the books listed below.


SymbolicC++ is described in a series of books on computer algebra. The first book described the first version of SymbolicC++. In this version the main data type for symbolic computation was the Sum class. The list of available classes included

  1. include
  2. include "rational.h"
  3. include "msymbol.h"
using namespace std;
int main

The second version of SymbolicC++ featured new classes such as the Polynomial class and initial support for simple integration. Support for the algebraic computation of Clifford algebras was described in using SymbolicC++ in 2002. Subsequently support for Gröbner bases was added.
The third version features a complete rewrite of SymbolicC++ and was released in 2008. This version encapsulates all symbolic expressions in the Symbolic class.
Newer versions are available from the SymbolicC++ .