Originally, an attraction called Hartenhof would be constructed on the site of Symbolica. The project was postponed multiple times, until it was renamed Symbolica. Construction started January 11, 2016.
The story is of Symbolica is all about visiting king Pardulfus, who lives in Hartenhof. While the visitors await their audience with the king, a character called Pardoes appears. Pardoes then guides the visitors through hidden parts of the palace.
Ride experience
Before the visitors can enter their Fantasievaarders, there is a pre-show with two animatronics. A staircase magically opens and the visitors are directed to the boarding station. Here, they can choose one of three different routes: Heldentour, Muziektour and Schattentour. The castle consists of eleven scenes, where each of the three routes attends nine scenes. Below are the eleven scenes:
Observatorium, the workplace of a wizard called Almar. Almar is present in the form of an animatronic. This room is arranged like a library.
Botanicum, decorated as being a botanical garden, riders can seea whale in an aquarium, while the glass of said aquarium can be seen cracking. Riders are then quickly escorted out of the Botanicum.
Schatten Boudoir, a part of the Schattentour, riders can use the interactive display in front of them to make a bigdiamond in the middle glow different colors.
Helden Kabinet, a part of the Heldentour, riders can use the interactive display in front of them to make the heroes fight each other.
Muziek Salon, a part of the Muziektour, riders can use the interactive display in front of them to make different musical sounds.
Verborgen Fantasie Depot
Koninklijke Champagne Voorraad, champagne bottles can be seen popping all around the rider.
Provisie Passage, riders bump into Polle, a mascot from the pancake house diagonal to symbolica, holding a trolley with large piles of pancakes on it.
Koningszaal, a royal party is going on in this area. The vehicles go aroundthe hall, whilst different couples are dancing.
Galerij der Fantasievollen, up on the walls of this scene are moving paintings of those living in the Hartenhof castle, including the riders.