Synthetic measure

A synthetic measure is a value that is the result of combining other metrics, which are measurements of various features.


Quality of service

There is a method to measure quality of service in hotels. In related study authors aggregate tourist opinions, measured on a scale from 1 to 10. Synthetic measure of service quality in each hotel is calculated with the help of the aggregation operator.

Project performance

Other study proposed to use classical parameters EV, PV and AC to carry out the synthetic measure of project performance.

Rankings of countries

Different normalized stimulants and destimulants were used in research to create synthetic measure that selects countries with the best and the worst levels of implementation of Europe 2020 targets.

Information quality

There are scientific works that describe method of quality assessment of Wikipedia articles using synthetic measure. The quality can be measured on a scale between 0 and 100 based on the following formula:
The results of the calculations are available on WikiRank service.